Monday, August 18, 2008

Nerves Setting In

So I successfully finished Japanese class, along with the culture class I mentioned in the previous post. Both turned out to be extremely rewarding, for my own personal growth as well as for the development of my language skills. I can't decide if I feel better equipped to deal with the language barrier now, or more frightened now that I know what I'm up against; there's just so much more to learn, I may have just been more comfortable being blissfully ignorant! All is well though, I'm trying to calm myself as I count down the weeks to my departure (less than 4!) and sadly to my boyfriend of 6 years' departure for his own China/Vietnam study abroad trip (less than 3 weeks!). That could be a whole post topic in itself, but let's just say he's been my other half for more than a third or my life and separating for so long may be the most difficult thing I've had to do. However, I know we'll both be off having the times of our lives and coming back together will be that much more sweet.

As an update, I've received my Certificate of Eligibility (a requirement to apply for a visa) from CIEE in the mail, and am about to send it in along with my passport for my student visa! I've made flight arrangements, and now just figuring out how I'm going to pack for 5 months in a foreign country and how to deal with money. Apparently using an ATM or credit card is the way to go, along with plenty of travelers checks. It is a cash society, so I'm going to have to get used to carrying yen with me all the time. CIEE reports that past students have spent about $5000 per semester (I'm assuming that's not including extra travel expenses and all the dough they dropped down on nightlife fun), so that gives you and I an idea of how expensive Tokyo really is.

I'll also say that the Tokyo travel guides I recommended (Lonely Planet and Eye Witness books) are extremely helpful and complement each other very well. Lots of pictures and visual aids in Eye Witness, and plenty of detail and insider info about Tokyo in the Lonely Planet guide. I can't seem to research this country enough! It's definitely getting me excited enough to look past the jitters and realize how priceless this experience will be.

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