Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I don't even know how to begin explaining this emotional roller coaster going on inside of me! The last few weeks I was feeling down, then up, and back down again... But once I gave my final hugs and goodbyes to my dad and stepmom at the airport, and wiped away my tears, I felt almost a giant relief. So much so, that I can only describe how I felt as going into "autopilot" mode. Not upset and teary, and not particularly happy either. Just kinda coasting along, watching movies on the plane, tired as hell at the end. As the plane set down onto the Narita Airport runway, I made sure I caught a glance at the Japanese style homes nestled in the countryside. I'm really here! It sounds so cliche, but I can only describe what I'm going through as surrealistic in every aspect. After being greeted by the group and sent off onto a bus towards our hotel (which is absolutely beautiful!), I met Ryan from Wisconsin. We talked and talked in excitement, from where it came we still can't figure out (it felt about midnight to us at this point) until we drifted over the bridge above the bay, dazily staring out into the giant, but gorgeous city scene, and somehow our conversation drifted off into a 5 minute nap.

When we arrived at the hotel, we received our room keys and orientation packets. To my amazing relief, it contained the information about my homestay family. The past few weeks I'd been nautiously nervous about all the unknowns (knowing NOTHING about my family until this very moment), and all that so quickly just disappeared. A family of four! A mother, father, daughter (age 19) and son (age 21). With a cat! And a dog! (And a hamster.) Most of them able to speak intermediate level English! I meet them in two days and I will have much more on that later.

My roommate in the hotel for these first 2 nights, Erin from Minnesota, is awesome and she took me to the corner 7-11 (as she'd already visited Japan) and we bought some delicious dinners with a tasty sweetbread.

Well, it's 9:37PM here in Tokyo, and I only got about an hour sleep on the plane, which means I've been awake for almost 24 hours. Goodnight!


M. said...

I'm so excited for you, sweetie. It sounds like the perfect family match for you! And pets! Love you.

iekikanjel said...

CHEWSEA!!! it's so good to read about your host family - CATS?!!?! dude, you're going to fit right in. i book marked this website, so i'll be checking up on you frequently. i know you're gunna have a blast! my bday party is today, and i really miss you! we'll definitely celebrate when you come home. have fun, enjoy your family, and drink sake!!